Wednesday, September 17, 2008

SSS - Super Selos Syndrome

Most Filipinos say that women are naturally "selosa". Well, i know a lot of girls out there would disagree that this trait, which is the equivalent of being jealous in English, is not something to be proud of.

I just feeling like writing about this topic because I feel that I have the SSS. I realized recently that I easily get jealous of other girls that go near my special guy. Not just go near actually, but when he appears to be interested or mentions a name of a girl during our conversations, i would readily react violently.

I know it's not healthy for me to feel that way. I actually confessed it straight to him that I get easily pissed off when he mentions certain situations wherein a girl appears to be attracted or interested in him. I know that this SSS is a personal issue that I have to work on.

I tried to evaluate myself and tried to find the cause of this syndrome. Well, mostly it's because of my past relationships. 1 or 2 found another girl "better" than me, or it's because i just think negatively of myself. I need to boost myself and think positively of my guy. Like I always tell him, I trust him, but I don't trust all the other girls out there. Haha! Most girls can get a man if the want to but it's still the man's decision if he will fall for the trap or not.

Anyway, I'm going out of the topic already. If you've read this blog, maybe you can post any tips on how to lessen my SSS and stop being selosa!


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